Financial Planning to Ensure Financial Independence for Women

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16 August 2022

Financial independence is an important goal for many people. It means you have the ability to support yourself financially, without relying on others for assistance. It also means you control your finances because you make your own financial decisions, rather than someone else making them for you.

Regardless of who you are, financial independence makes it easier for you to achieve your dreams. It also gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you have the finances to live the life you want to live.

For women, financial independence can be more elusive, as women typically face financial hurdles such as lower pay, career gaps while they care for their families, and other financial barriers. Additionally, women generally live longer than men, so they must plan financially for longer periods, and they must have enough financial knowledge to make decisions on their own in the event their spouse dies before they do.

Here are ways women can effectively manage their finances and plan for the future.

Find an advisor you trust

Too many well-intentioned advice columns offer advice designed to “fix” women, focusing on what they do wrong with their money. This advice is outdated. You don’t need to be fixed, but you may need some guidance on what the best strategies are for you.

Find an advisor who is willing to guide you by respecting where you are, where you want to go, how you want to spend your money, and what your unique financial needs are. Choose an advisor who works with your personality, your goals, and your concerns, and takes your insights seriously.

Follow age-old advice

Regardless of your gender, there are some important steps that can help you obtain financial independence. These include:

  • Deciding what you want
  • Creating a budget
  • Setting aside a certain amount of savings
  • Having an emergency fund
  • Paying down debt.

Think of your retirement

Part of taking charge of your financial future is thinking about your retirement. If you work for a company that offers a retirement plan, take advantage of it. If you don’t, consider opening your own retirement savings accounts. The earlier you do it, the longer you have to save for your retirement, which is important because you could live well into your 90s.

Invest your money

You need money in savings but you also need your money working for you. That means investing. You don’t have to invest in risky stocks if that doesn’t suit your personality or meet your needs. But investing can bring you back a higher return than savings accounts will. A diversified portfolio will limit your exposure to losses and give you more potential for growth.

Have a comprehensive financial plan

A budget will help you with your monthly spending, but a comprehensive financial plan takes into account your entire situation, including your income, expenses, assets, investments, retirement needs, estate planning needs, income taxes, and how they work together to help you achieve your goals.

Financial independence involves you having the money you need to live the lifestyle you want, but it also means being confident in making your own financial decisions. It’s about having control over your money and making sure your money is working towards your goals.

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Call us on 01617 985789

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21 October 2024

How I turn sh*t (situations) into roses (good outcomes)

Where do I start? When it comes to finances, the construction industry is a bit like a Saturday night out after one too many pints – unpredictable, messy, and sometimes leaves you feeling a bit worse for wear. We all know that feeling.

As a construction firm owner, you’ve often got multiple projects on the go, each with its own unique set of challenges. Customers can sometimes be a right pain in the neck, especially with not paying invoices on time, and then there’s material costs that change more than the weather in Manchester.

And that’s not all… Trying to keep track of your finances on top of all that is enough to drive anyone up the wall. Construction is notoriously known for being a volatile industry. Things like delayed payments and cash flow inconsistency play a massive part in that. It’s also why it comes as no surprise that there’s a high failure rate in construction.

Here’s where I come in and essentially turn all your sh*t situations into roses. But first, let me explain how construction differs from other industries. Understanding this will highlight the importance of why choosing an accountant that specialises in this industry is essential.

Construction vs. other industries

Construction is in a category of its own. It faces completely different challenges to any other industry. Each project has its own individual problems and as a result, construction businesses often struggle to match the efficiency of companies that have more of a repetitive and controlled production, such as factories and certain types of office-based work. But, who wants to do the same thing day in and day out anyway?

Here’s are some of the key differences that you can expect from owning a construction-based business:

Variable costs – For materials, equipment and labour on each individual project. You’ll know from pricing jobs up that the costs vary, it’s not a one cost fits all type of thing.

Location – Construction often takes place at new locations with specific site conditions, each with their own set of challenges. You might well have to deal with local environmental and waste disposal regulations.

Suppliers – Having to rely on specialised suppliers for different projects can affect efficiency and cash flow. Such as, certain types of glass, lifts and escalators, steel beams, cladding etc.

Contracts – Construction contracts often include retainage, where some of the payment is withheld until project completion, even if specific work stages are finished. (Note: these can be negotiated before signing the contract).

Now that you understand the differences in construction in comparison to other industries, it’s time to look at what challenges you can expect to face as a result, and how I can help you overcome them.

Common construction challenges

Given these unique characteristics, construction businesses face several common financial challenges:

  • Cash Flow Fluctuations: Irregular cash flow is a common problem due to delayed payments, upfront costs, and subcontractors.
  • Cost Overruns: Projects can easily go over budget if costs are not carefully tracked and managed.
  • Profitability: It can be difficult to accurately estimate and track profit margins on individual projects. Particularly when material costs go up significantly after you quote for the job.
  • Debt Management: Managing debt can be challenging, especially during economic downturns. (A feeling we’re all familiar with thanks to Covid-19).
  • Tax Compliance: Staying compliant with complex tax regulations, particularly VAT reverse charge scheme and CIS payroll is essential to avoid penalties and fines. (You need to be able to understand these tax regulations in order to stay compliant, but don’t worry I can help with this).

How I Can Help

I’m showing my age here, but as an accountant with decades of experience helping construction business owners, I can help you manage these challenges and improve your overall financial situation. Here are the things I would start with:

  • Financial Analysis: I’ll provide a comprehensive analysis of your financial situation, including your cash flow, profitability, and overall financial health.
  • Cash Flow Management: I’ll help you develop strategies to improve your cash flow, such as optimising invoicing and taking payments, negotiating better payment terms with suppliers, and looking at what your alternative financing options may be. (There’s not an array of financing options out there for construction businesses, but there are a few strings I could pull on).
  • Cost Management: I’ll work with you to identify areas where you can reduce costs and improve your profitability. This could be renting equipment instead of buying it, or negotiating with subcontractors etc.
  • Tax Compliance: I’ll ensure that you’re compliant with all relevant tax laws and regulations.
  • Financial Planning: I can help you create a financial plan that aligns with your business goals.

In addition to all of the above, I’ll be on the other end of the phone whenever you need a bit of advice or just fancy a chat. Something I definitely won’t do is judge, so complete transparency is always encouraged. I’ll work with you so that as a team, we can transform your financial situation from, you guessed it – sh*t to roses.

Interested to find out more?

Call us on 01617 985789

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7 October 2024

What to do if the tax man starts banging on your door (and gets pretty aggressive)?

Taxman knocking? And not knocking quietly? Here’s how to handle an HMRC investigation:

Ever had that sinking feeling when you get that brown envelope with ‘HMRC’ written on it drop through your letterbox?

I experienced a similar feeling recently when I went to the doctor and was told I needed to change my diet. Seriously? The weekly Chinese was under threat! Gutted.

You know you should open the envelope. And you know it’s not an unexpected tax rebate. Of course, it could just be that an employee’s personal tax code has changed. But still that feeling of dread is real.

So, what do you do if the taxman is on your case and being a real pain in the backside? I’m no stranger to this topic, although I’ve learned over the years that everybody’s situation is different. Some are more challenging than others. But the one thing that doesn’t change is my advice on how to deal with it. So let’s get into it.

Understand Why They’re Here

Before you start responding to the taxman’s questions, try to work out exactly why they’re investigating you. Have you missed a deadline? Made a mistake on your tax return? Or is it something more serious? Once you know, you can start to prepare your response. Being honest with me is important when I ask you these questions. Trying to cover up stuff here with me or HMRC can just bring a whole heap of the brown stuff down on you.

Or maybe you already know the reason, and it’s just the inevitable catching up with you. In that case, it’s time to deal with it before it gets any worse. You don’t want to be caught standing in court with all the truth coming out? I’ve seen it happen, and it ain’t pretty. It’s pretty stressful if your case goes to court.

Regardless of whether you know the reason or not, here’s what I would suggest you do next:

Be Cooperative

It’s important to cooperate with the tax inspector. Answer their questions honestly and provide any documentation they request. I know it’s hard not to get your back up when you’re feeling accused of something, but try not to be too defensive. Remember, the more you cooperate, the easier the process will be for everyone involved. As your accountant, If I can show that you have been cooperative, this could reduce any penalties that the tax man wants to make you pay.

Seek Professional Help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider seeking professional help. Get in touch with someone who knows their stuff. (Hint: I’m right here. I’m just a phone call away, and I wouldn’t judge.) An accountant can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the investigation, even if it’s emotional support that’s needed. They can help you understand your rights and responsibilities, and they can negotiate with the taxman on your behalf.

A decent accountant should give you peace of mind, ensuring you’re compliant with tax laws and regulations. It’s important to choose wisely if you’re going down this route. Always do your research before you make a decision.

Proactive Measures to Avoid Investigations

The best way to avoid an investigation is to be proactive about your tax compliance. Here are some of my suggestions:

  • Keep accurate records: This is the most important thing. Make sure you keep detailed records of all your financial transactions. The first thing I will want to do to help you – regardless of any HMRC investigation – is to get your books clean and up-to-date.
  • File your tax returns on time: Don’t miss any deadlines. That’s a fine you do not want or need.
  • Pay your taxes on time: Avoid late payments, as they can trigger an investigation and heavy interest charges.
  • Stay up-to-date with tax law changes: Tax laws can be complex and change frequently. Make sure you’re aware of any changes that may affect your business. This is where I can help you. As your accountant, I will ensure that you are compliant with all the relevant tax laws, such as CIS and the reverse VAT scheme for the construction sector.

Remember, the taxman is just doing his job. If you’ve done everything by the book, you should have nothing to worry about. But if you’re feeling a bit anxious, I’m happy to offer you some advice. Sometimes crap does happen to good people.

Additional Tips:

  • Don’t panic. It’s easy to get stressed when you’re being investigated, but staying calm is important. Take a minute to sit down with a cuppa and get rid of any anxiousness you’re feeling. You need a calm head for this stuff.
  • Be prepared. Have all your documentation ready before the investigation begins. You don’t want to be flapping around trying to find letters or emails; it won’t look good.
  • Don’t make any rash decisions. Just take your time; it’s important to consider all the options that are available to you. Take notes to look back on if necessary.
  • Seek advice from a professional. A tax advisor or investigations specialist like myself can help you understand your rights and responsibilities and go about them the right way.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of firstly avoiding a tax investigation in the first place and then getting a successful outcome in a tax investigation.

Interested to find out more?

Call us on 01617 985789

Or book a meeting at

23 September 2024

Bank Balance Causing You Problems? This is How to Sort It

Running a construction or hospitality business can be a complete and utter nightmare. You’ve got projects piling up, staff to manage, broken equipment and customers who seem to think paying on time is optional. But the biggest headache of all? Cash flow.

I’ve seen it first-hand. I’ve witnessed the stress of a dwindling bank balance and the fear of not being able to make payroll. Trust me, it’s not a fun place to be. But don’t worry, I’m here to help.

I’ve been in the construction industry for decades, and I’ve seen my fair share of ups and downs in my time. I’ve learned a thing or two about managing finances along the way, so I’m going to share my tips with you.

Separate Bank Accounts

First things first, set up separate bank accounts for your business. This will help you keep track of your finances and avoid mixing personal and business expenses. After all, you don’t want your accountant or bookkeeper to see exactly what nice presents you got for your other half. Let’s just say we’ve seen some ‘interesting’ personal expenditure when sorting out year end accounts. 

I recommend using Monzo banking, as they offer this handy feature called “Pots”. You can set aside money for specific things, like tax, rent, or, in my case a pot to fund my golf clubs (which by the way, if you’re not into golf, cost an arm and a leg!). I was recommended to Monzo and wondered what all the fuss was about, but I’ve learned it’s a pretty great app for keeping your finances organised. And, even if digital banking and apps isn’t your thing, it’s pretty easy to use. 

Getting Paid Promptly

Getting customers to pay on time is like trying to score a hat-trick against Man City – tough and often impossible, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances (that’s with getting paid on time, not scoring against Man City – unless you’re Alan Shearer).

  • Send clear and concise invoices: Make sure the details are correct and easy to understand. 
  • No surprises: Your billing schedule or the details on the invoice should match what the customer is expecting.
  • Set payment terms: Clearly state when you expect payment.
  • Put your bank details on the invoice: You’ll be surprised how many invoices we receive where we can’t work out how or where to pay. If your invoice will be paid by direct debit, then state this on the invoice. If you want them to press the ‘pay now’ button, then put this on the invoice. You get the idea!
  • Follow up: If a payment is late, don’t be afraid to chase it up. A friendly reminder via email or phone can often do the trick.

Cash Flow Forecasting

A cash flow forecast is a prediction of your future income and expenses. It’s a vital tool for any business, but it’s especially important in the unpredictable world of construction and the seasonally impacted hospitality sector. Projects are great as they are a large lumpy sum of money. But the problem is that projects often come with high upfront costs, i.e. to hire the equipment needed or buy the materials to get started.

Projects can get delayed, costs can shoot up out of nowhere, and we’ve already had a rant in this article, about how slow customers can be when it comes to paying. With a cash flow forecast, you can see these potential problems coming and take steps to avoid them. No more unwelcome surprises. 

Minimising Bad Debts

Bad debts can be another major drain on your cash flow. These are, more often than not, due to the long payment terms involved in construction. Of course, it is possible to have a bad debt with a hospitality business but in my opinion this industry is far better at taking payment either at the point of delivery or before an event. 

Here are a few tips for minimising your bad debts:

  • Conduct credit checks: Before doing business with new customers, check their creditworthiness. Don’t just take their word for it. Companies House is a great place to snoop or pay for a credit check.
  • Require deposits: Ask for a deposit upfront to reduce your risk. Particularly at the start of a project or before you need to buy materials or ingredients.
  • Set clear payment terms: Make sure your terms are fair and reasonable, but don’t leave any room for doubt. I.e. these payment terms should be discussed at the point the contract is signed.

Payment Plans and Instalments

If a customer is struggling to pay, consider offering them a payment plan. This can help you avoid bad debt while still getting paid and it’s more manageable for the customer too, win-win. This option applies more for the construction industry rather than hospitality. Funnily enough we have a few payment plans currently in place for our clients who hit a tough spot trading wise. 

Keeping Your Books Up-to-Date

Keep your books in order. By doing this you can see who owes you money, when payments are due, and if you’re heading for some squeaky-bum time when it comes to your cash or money in your bank account.

I’m a big fan of QuickBooks. It means you can run your business from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. The QuickBooks software tools let you track your cash flow and keep your business running smoothly. But, the best part is saving time on sending invoices, tracking expenses, and preparing your VAT returns. All of the long, boring admin jobs that often get ‘forgotten’ about.

Splitting Finances by Project

Are you working on multiple projects? Do you know which one of these projects are loss making or the ones that are truly making you money? In my experience many construction companies and hospitality businesses don’t know. Everything gets lumped together on one or two lines of the P&L. 

In order for you to grow and put more money into your bank account you want to know which ones are bringing in the profits and which ones are costing you money. If you are a hospitality business you can do this by splitting the revenue lines on your P&L between items such as takeaway, table service or create reports using software to analyse which of your tempting desserts are working for your customers’ palates and your bank balance.

One of the reasons I like Quickbooks is it makes it easy to split up your expenditure and income on a project by project basis. This means someone like you or I can see very quickly which projects are underperforming and how to quote better next time.

To summarise

Firstly, don’t put your head in the sands when it comes to cashflow. The sooner you have a problem emerging the easier it is to deal with it. We are here to help you whether you are worried about cash flow or whether you know you have a cash flow crisis.

Interested to find out more?

Call us on 01617 985789

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